Hi!  Thanks for looking!

I now focus on projects that fit within a certain style.

Click buttons to view examples:

Some words to describe my style would be: sketchy, sketchbook, engraving, woodcut, linocut, pen and ink, line shading, dot shading, etc.

-Scroll down for booking info-


Please email me at: sketchesfromspace@gmail.com with following info:

~Tattoo idea

~Size of tattoo- estimate in inches

~Reference photos if any (often helps me understand the style and time needed)

~Area of body to be tattooed (straight-on picture of the area will help me draw to fit)


$200/hr, with an $100 minimum for pieces under 30 min.

I get more tattoo requests than I have time for, so I just don’t have the time to help everybody. I’m sorry!!!

Feel free to email me with your ideas, the ones I love, I’ll try to fit in!


Areas I don’t usually tattoo:
Hands ,fingers, feet, necks, ears, or faces.  They can be difficult to do, and can fade or “blowout” easily.

Projects I say away from:
coverups, lines around arms or fingers, compasses, watches/clocks, Celtic knotwork, tribal, pinups, lettering, and names of partners.

I’m only taking on projects that I believe fit within my style and technique. Most often, I pass on projects that have technical challenges. Check out the rest of the Iconic crew at: iconictattoodetroit.com


I get a lot of questions about numbing.

Some of my clients have had good luck with a product like Numb 20, Uber Numb, or Welmate.

The key is generously applying it to the skin, and wrapping it in plastic before you leave for your tattoo appointment, so that it soaks deep into the skin.


I have been a student of tattooing since 2001.

Given my experience, I have a good understanding of limitations of the skin, and know how to design a tattoo that ages well and flows with the body.

I work best in sessions that take 2-4 hours.

I most enjoy doing tattoos that have a “sketchy” style that often leans into being imperfect.

I enjoy floral, organic, cosmic, neo-traditional, occult, medieval, metaphysical, and weird subject matter.


Tattoos in the skin will change over time, especially with sun exposure. The ink will slowly fade and spread under the skin.

If the artwork is too small, details too tight, lines too thick, or if there’s not enough open room, the lines may fuse together over time.

None of the examples below were done by me.

The “Live” tattoo on the left is on my wrist. The artist wouldn’t do it as small as I wanted because he knew of these problems. I’m glad I went to an experienced artist. Even at this size, you can see areas starting to spread and fuse together.


I apply the best bandage I can find, which is currently Derm Shield.

This is a clear film with an adhesive backing that seals the tattoo.

I recommend wearing the bandage for 5 days, then slowly removing it in a warm shower to help loosen the adhesive.

If any liquid leaks out of the bandage, or if bandage peels up and exposes any of the tattoo, remove it and wash.

Then wash the tattoo 1-2 times daily, and apply moisturizing lotion 3-5 times daily with clean hands.

Sweating may cause the bandage to fall off early.

Keep out of the sun and don’t submerge in standing water - showering is fine.


I’ve included this section, because I often get nervous questions regarding tipping, “Do you accept tips?” and “How much do people usually tip?”.

I’ll say tips are always appreciated, but never expected. People usually tip 20%. I always remember when someone hands me an extra hundred or two!

I currently take home less than 37% of what I charge the customer. Shop fees, insurance, supplies, and taxes take most of the money. I would not be able to continue tattooing without tips.

I strive to be focused on professionalism, making your tattoo exceed your expectations, and to make you super comfortable!

Cash is best. Also except Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, and credit cards.


I do sometimes.

Color pieces usually take double the time, pain, and cost. The lighter the color, the more it seems to fade.

I’ve just found that black is way quicker and easier for me to work with, and lasts longer. So I’ve been mainly focusing on black and grey ink.

Here’s some color pieces I’ve done:


Iconic Tattoo & Piercing

3401 Cass Ave.

Detroit MI 48201
